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4 Popular Budgeting Methods – Which One Works Best for You?

4 Popular Budgeting Methods – Which One Works Best for You?

Everyone, regardless of income level, needs a budget. Businesses survive and thrive with budgets, and it’s no different for personal finance. While business budgets might be complicated, your finances don’t have to be. Budgeting can be smooth sailing and even fun when you choose the proper budget for your goals and personal style. Managing personal…

35 of the Best Money Rules of Thumb You Need to Know

35 of the Best Money Rules of Thumb You Need to Know

Rules of thumb are loose “rules” that apply broadly to many situations. We talk about rules of thumb a lot here on Dough Roller. Regarding personal finance, the key word is “personal.” There are no one-size-fits-all rules for running your budget, savings, retirement planning, or other aspects of your financial life. That said, some general,…

How to Use Google Calendar to Track Your Cash Flow in 7 Easy Steps

How to Use Google Calendar to Track Your Cash Flow in 7 Easy Steps

My husband and I have used many budgeting tools, including Rocket Money and YNAB. We still use (and love!) YNAB, but it left us with a gap: cash flow planning. Unfortunately, we’re still not accustomed to YNAB’s month-ahead spending goal. That means our checking account ebbs later in the month, and we must be more…

8 Simple Rules for Borrowing Money From Friends and Family

8 Simple Rules for Borrowing Money From Friends and Family

American novelist Mario Puzo says, “Friendship and money: oil and water.” He may not be correct 100% of the time, but he has a point. Mixing relationships and money can have disastrous consequences, ranging from never seeing your $20 again to burning relationships. And it goes both ways, whether you’re the one borrowing money or the one…

12 Simple Ways to Improve Your Credit Score Today

12 Simple Ways to Improve Your Credit Score Today

Navigating the complex world of credit can feel like a daunting task. Understanding how to increase your credit score is a crucial step towards taking control of your finances. A good credit score not only opens the door to better loan terms and interest rates, but also reflects your financial reliability to potential lenders, landlords,…

14 Things Every High School Student Should Know About Money

14 Things Every High School Student Should Know About Money

Have you noticed that most personal finance advice is written for people already in a financial mess? Take, for example, one of the most popular personal finance books of all time–Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover. That book has helped millions. But it’s written for those who have made poor financial decisions. But what about…

Should You Combine Finances with a Spouse?

Should You Combine Finances with a Spouse?

Combining finances with a spouse marks a significant milestone in any relationship, symbolizing a union of hearts and a melding of financial lives. While full of promise, this step brings complexity that demands careful consideration and planning. The decision to combine finances with your spouse can pave the way for a harmonious partnership, fostering transparency…